Term of Use & Privacy Policy

  Please read condition and agreement of using the service carefully before making any payment on this website. Online payment system via credit card will be made through internet. It means that any transactions you make through online payment are paying for product or service. The system will calculate the amount and notified the payment via your credit card for your convenience, quickness and safety.

1. Terms & conditions
  "Advanced Cyber Management Co.,Ltd" is the website provider with the condition saying that if you reach, use, visit or receive any informations from www.acmonlinebiz.com, you have acknowledged and accepted the terms & condition. Please kindly read these conditions including the policy of privacy. If you do not agree with any of the terms and conditions, do not you the website.

2. Policy of Privacy
  2.1. Privacy Is to define the method of keeping and using the data according to Thailand’s Computer-related Crime and law of protection saying that every company that provide easily accessible website for the purpose of searching and buying products must keep and gather personal data that make it possible to determine the identity of the person, such as name and email. The company will not use your data in purpose of seeking profit from sale or distribution of your personal data.
  2.2 Policy Agreement Your visit and website usage will be determined as your will and your agreement that you allow the company to keep, use, reveal and forward your data under the policy of privacy.
  2.3 Personal Data Management Your have full right of controlling and managing your personal data. You are able to retract the agreement of revealing your personal data. You are able to update, edit or correct your personal data by contacting the company directly.
  2.4 The Change of Policy of Privacy "Advanced Cyber Management Co.,Ltd" may change this privacy policy from time to time as necessary and according to company policy.

3. Protection of Data Policy
  3.1 The protection of personal data www.acmonlinebiz.com realizes the importance of the retention of your personal data or information and privacy. Company will follow the policy of keeping and revealing your personal data or not copy your data without permission.
  3.2 The revealing of personal data The company will not use your data in purpose of seeking profit from sale or distribution of your personal data. Company may share your data with the affiliated company or some company that offered good relationship if necessary and for improving website’s performance.

E-wallet Terms and Condition
  Terms and condition is the agreement with Advanced Cyber Management Co.,Ltd (28/10 Soi Ladprao23 Chankasem Chatuchak Bangkok) and one to provide the E-wallet which allows users to make the online transaction by company electronic money, debit card, credit card. Top-up, pay, transfer, withdraw easily through www.acmonlinebiz.com. Users have to understand and acknowledge before using the service and checking the condition from time to time. If you have any questions, please send the email to admin@acmonlinebiz.com or other channels providing by company.

1. General Specification
  1.1 Users will follow and tie by the company’s conditions. By accessing or using the service, you signify your consent to this agreement. Company may change or edit the policy from time to time as necessary and according to company policy. The amendment changes will be notified. By continuing used of service, you signify your consent to the change of agreement.
  1.2 Excepting from notifying or differently defining, new conditions that will have been added or edited are considered followed this agreement of condition.
  1.3 Company has full right of adjusting canceling service or some parts of service permanently or temporarily at anytime by notifying in advance.

2. The usage
  2.1 To register, users must sign up for E-wallet to make transactions by following these steps
      - Thai or foreign users have to fill their name-surname including others data that the company needs or will be defined later following the purpose of providing service and related law.
      - Company has full right to refuse to provide or allow service to those who using alias name, not using their real name or when the company found out that the name using for register is fake. Company refuse to provide the service and transaction to the users in some area, nationalities or occupation. All the approval will be under company consent only.
  2.2 Users must keep the password and data using for signing up confidential and must not reveal or take any actions lead to revealing your personal data. Users will not use password for any other purposes. Company will not responsible for any of your data lost.
  2.3 When the putting password transaction has been made completely and successfully, please noted that those transactions can not be canceled, withdrawn or edited.
  2.4 Users can use the password for paying for products, service fee or and transaction that company provided and may be added in the future.
  2.5 In the event that the user forgets the password or want to change the password for any reason, the service user must immediately notify the company in accordance with the methods specified by the company. However, the above actions will not affect any transactions which have been done before notifying the company.
  2.6 User agrees to pay the service fee at the rate specified by the Company. The company reserves the right to change the fee rate at any time by informing in advance. In the event that the user has to pay any fee To the company as specified above. The service user allows the company to deduct the account in order to pay the said fee immediately on the due date. The user agrees to maintain the amount in the account to be sufficient for the deduction.
  2.7 User acknowledges that the company is only a service provider to facilitate the payment. If there is a problem with the product or services or any dispute occurs, the user must contact the seller or the provider directly.
  In the service of payment for goods and service. The Company does not have any knowledge of the contract, terms, rights and duties which the user and the seller and / or the service provider have to each other. Therefore, if there is a dispute due to the service of payment for goods to service occurs. The user will be responsible for resolving disputes by yourself. The company is not involved in any way.
  2.8 User acknowledges that the company is only a service provider to facilitate transactions with credit card, debit card or electronic card linked to the user's account. The company does not consider doing so as a bank. User agrees to contact the bank or financial institutions or credit card service provider, debit card, electronic card. User must take corrective action by yourself and the company is not involved in any way.
  2.9 User is able to perform financial transactions by credit card, debit card or electronic card, only certain transactions specified by the company. By binding the said card to the user's account, the company reserves the right to provide payment service with the above payment methods only for the selected merchandise or services.
  2.10 The company reserves the right to refuse a payment transaction or receive payment for the product and the following service charges
      2.10.1 Payment or acceptance of payment for products and service fees on behalf of a juristic person or others.
      2.10.2 Payment or acceptance of payment for products and charges for certain services which are suspended and with connection fee.
      2.10.3 Payment or acceptance of payment for products for certain types of service fees which have outstanding debts and overdue.
      2.10.4 Payment or acceptance of payment for products and some kinds service fees which are partial payments.
      2.10.5 Payment or payment of goods and service which is against the law, good morality, requirements of the electronic card service provider or any other requirement that the company may have specifically set.
      2.10.6 Payment or payment of goods and service that exceed the number of transactions set by the company per month. The conditions for the payment will follow the seller's specifications for each service provider.
  2.11 In the event that the company detects that there is insufficient funds in the user's account to pay for products and service or the service fee is lower than the minimum spending amount set by the company or product cost exceeds the limit set by the company for the user at any time. The company has the right to suspend the service to the user at that time.
  2.12 The Company will provide the best service to provide the users with satisfactory. Therefore, if any service of the company is delayed, whether caused by the computer system, internet system, any electronic devices, any other system in connection with the service, the mobile phone network system and regardless of the cause, the service user agrees not to take the said failure as a claim for any damages from the company.
  2.13 The company will not be responsible for any loss or damage, whether directly or indirectly that happened to the data in the mobile phone or any other devices as a result of the service.
  2.14 The Company reserves the right to suspend or cancel the service of the user without notifying the user in advance. If the company finds that any circumstance under Clause 4.2 of this Terms of Service occurs.
  2.15 According to the Anti-Money Laundering Act, a form for transactions with payment amount of 50,000 baht or more has been set up for customers to complete and for users to present themselves. Following processes known as CDD (Customer Due Diligence) and attach evidence, such as an ID card or passport, for further investigation of the transaction. We reserve the right In informing the Anti-Money Laundering Office.
  2.16 The company is not responsible for any loss of money in the user's account and funds in a bank account linked to a credit card, debit card or electronic card linked to the user's account Due to the fact that mobile phones or any other device of the service user has been stolen. User must notify the company to suspend the card to the bank or financial institutions or credit card, debit card, electronic card providers immediately. User can request to suspend the use of funds in the account by themselves through TrueMoney Customer Care 1240 or other channels as specified by the company.
  2.17 The company is not responsible for any damages or loss of money in the user's account or bank account funds tied to credit, debit or electronic cards linked to the user's account due to malware or computer virus or any other electronic attack on cell phone or any other devices.
  2.18 Users can inquire about service information or report problems in using the service via email admin@acmonlinebiz.com or any other channel as specified by the company.

3. Cancellation of service Termination and Suspension of Service
  3.1 In the event that the user wishes to cancel the service, the user must notify the request via email admin@acmonlinebiz.com or other channels as specified by the company and proceed following the methods specified by the company. If there is still money in the user's account The company reserves the right to not refund any money.
  3.2 The company reserves the right to cancel the service or suspend the service without the need to notify the user in advance In the following cases
      3.2.1 User uses fake document or showing a false statement in registering for an account or showing incomplete documents requested by the company
      3.2.2 User’s death
      3.2.3 User is a person who government agency orders to seize or freeze assets or suspected of being an offender under the law
      3.2.4 The company has a suspect that the service user has committed an offense or take any action that may cause damage to the company or any other person or
      3.2.5 The user breaches any of the conditions specified in these Terms of Service
      3.2.6 user has not entered the service for a consecutive period of more than 6 (six) months
      3.2.7 Insufficient funds in the user's account
  The company is responsible for any damages arising from the suspension or cancel the said service. In addition, in the event that the company has any reasonable doubt that is necessary to comply with any law, the company may contact to request the user to clarify information by submitting any additional documents or evidence for the company. If the user does not perform as requested by the company within the period specified by the company, the company is required to terminate the relationship with the user for legal reasons. The company reserves the right to cancel the service.

4. User's warranty
  4.1 For Thai nationality user consents and certifies legally competent has acknowledge this Terms of Service and any contract related to the use of the service
  If the user is a foreigner The user certifies that you have reached the age of 15 (fifteen) years of age and is capable of being bound by these Terms of Service and any contract related to the use of the service in accordance with the laws of their own country
  The user understands that the you will be responsible for the financial results or any other results that occur. For example allowing third parties to use the registration information, password or any other information of the user
  4.2 The service users undertake that they will not use the service in conducting financial transactions with unlawful purposes whether it is gambling, sex trade, money laundering, or exploitation of accounts Whether for the benefit of the user or another person. Including acts that violate the public order and morals, intellectual property rights of others, offense of any other law. The user will not cause interference with any other person's use of the application, not try to enter the application or network connected to the application without authorization, either through hacking, stealing copies, or destroying databases. Destroying personal secret code (password mining) or any other means, so if any damage is done to the company. The company has the right to suspend or terminate the service immediately. And the user will be responsible for compensation to the company in all respects. The company is not involved or liable for all damages that occur.
  4.3 The user certifies that the information provided to the company pursuant to clause 2.1 of this Terms of Service and information that the user delivers to the company is correct information in all respects. If the company detects that the user is falsifying the document information, the company reserves the right to suspend or terminate the service immediately and the user shall be responsible for compensation to the company in all respects.
  4.4 Service users certify that they agree to be bound, complied and cooperated. Including agreeing to prepare information to submit documentary evidence which company may request to be sent in addition to the purpose of considering the activation of the service, to perform any transaction or to comply with the requirements according to regulations of the Bank of Thailand and Anti-Money Laundering Office or any law relating to the implementation of these Terms of Service.

5. Language
  Translation of these terms of service in any languages is for the convenience of the user only. It is made without any intention to modify the terms of service. In the event of a conflict between the Thai version and other languages, the terms will stick to the Thai version.

6. Governing Laws
  Terms of Service is to enforce and interpret according to the laws of the Kingdom of Thailand, regardless of the provisions on conflict of laws

7. The Separation
  If any condition of these Terms of Service are void or incomplete by any law. It will be separated from other conditions of the complete Terms of Service. And the completed one will continue to be effective

8. No waivers
  In the event that the company does not enforce the terms or any condition of these Terms of Service. It will not affect the right of the company to enforce the terms or that condition later. The user will not constitute a waiver of the right to breach the waiver of the terms or any other condition